Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hearts of Ishira By. Bethany Aan

On a star chart of five this is ten!!! One of my favorite books on my keeper shelf.  Fall in love with the men of Ishira and root and cheer for some awesome ladies who will take you through the out of this world place that is Ishira.  This book contains a fantastic story of earth women finding them selves crashed on another planet and in the hands of some of the hunkiest men around  and of course there are groups of men for each women ;-) Soooo for all the wonderful story there are plenty of scorching scenes as well. Go on over to amazon and fall in love with the wonderful men, women and of course the Kimis.  Read the book and you will know what I mean

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen this review before! Thank you for such a wonderful review!!!!!
    Bethany Aan
